5 Tips to Grow Your Planner Instagram

5 Tips to Grow Your Planner Instagram

By: Kelly Cosgrove (@kellysprettyplanner)

If you're thinking about starting a planner account, or if you already have one, these tips can help you grow your account and your planner family! #plannerinspiration #planning #instagramtips

Starting a planner Instagram is one of the best things I've ever done because it's allowed me to share my creative outlet, be inspired by others, and connect with some truly amazing individuals. If you're thinking about starting an account, or if you already have one, these tips can help you grow your account and your planner family!

Take Clear Photos

I've said it once and I'll say it again: there is no one correct way to have a planner Instagram. Your Instagram is all about sharing your planner inspiration and however you choose to represent that is perfect! That being said, my advice is to take pictures that you want to see.

One way to get inspiration for this is to model after some of your favorite accounts. If you love flatlays, do flatlays! If you love clean white backgrounds with the focus on the planner, do that!

And speaking of those white backgrounds, if you're interested in that, you can check out a tutorial on how to get the perfect white background here.

5 tips to growing your planner instagram

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are an excellent tool to grow your planner account. Not only can using hashtags share your content with new people, but you can also use hashtags to explore content and find new accounts to connect with. 

There are a few best practice rules of thumb to consider when using hashtags on your posts:

  1. Hashtag Limits: Technically Instagram allows 30 hashtags per post but, there is some conflict about whether or not they prefer that you use them all or not. Try different things and find out what works for you.
  2. Two Word Hashtags: In general, one word hashtags like #planner are so broad and have so many new posts added each day, your posts are likely to get lost in the shuffle. Try using hashtags that are more specific and include two words like #plannerspread. Another great option is to use the hashtag for any sticker stores you used or the type of planner you're in.
  3. Switch It Up: Instagram thinks it's spammy when you use the same hashtags over and over and over so your best option is to switch them up for each post. This sounds difficult, but I just keep a note in my phone with a few different groups of hashtags I can copy and paste.


This is a game-changer for your account. Interaction with other accounts is not only the best way to grow your account, but it's the best way to connect with others in the community. And isn't that what it's all about anyways? Take time every day to talk to other accounts! Respond to stories, interact with polls, write genuine comments on others' photos. The important thing here is: don’t be spammy! 

And for shop owners, this is a huge best business practice. Spend time going through the photos you are tagged in and interact with your current customers. Of course you want to attract new customers, but it costs 5x as much to get a new customer than to keep an old one, so make sure your customers feel valued and seen!

how to grow your planner instagram

Create Instagram Stories

Stories are an excellent way to share your latest happy mail haul or sticker storage tips, ask for advice on spreads, and promote PR codes and sales. Even if you’re uncomfortable posting your own stories (it’s not my forte either!), interact with others and when you’re ready post a haul and maybe even work your way up to talking to the camera! 

Using Stories allows your followers to see the behind the scenes stuff that goes into the planner world and is a great way to remind everyone that it's not always the picture perfect stuff in our feeds. I always feel more connected to accounts that frequently show hauls or talk about their day on their Stories and it's something I'm working to get more into.

Don't Focus on the Number

This is a big one! The planner community is an amazing place to share ideas, make friends, and be inspired. Don’t worry about your follower number; if you’re sharing content you love and interacting with the community the followers will come. And even if they don’t, this is just a way to share your passion!

Do you have a planner instagram? Leave your handle in the comments, I'd love to check them out!

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Instagram handle: @planwithmonet13

Great advice! Love this


Lots of great advice, thank you for sharing!


These are some great tips thanks! @klh_jaxplanner


Great post. Ig @zaraLstudio


Thank you for the advice!


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