TBR Throwdown: August 13th-August 19th

TBR Throwdown: August 13th-August 19th

Hey guys! Welcome to another readathon hosted in the Creating & Co book club facebook group! We're really excited about this one because it was kind of last minute but it's also going to be a really fun one! 

This blog post is here to kind of explain everything so that when it's time for the TBR Throwdown, you will be totally ready to take on your TBR stack!

First off, What's a TBR?

TBR means "to be read" or the books you are planning to read. The Throwdown part is honestly just because I like alliteration and it sounds cool but the premise of this readathon is to par down that stack of books you have that you will get to one day. Well, that day is coming up in August! We encourage you to pull books from the ones you already own or get creative in finding them--check out your local libraries, borrow from a friend or even check out your local thrift stores!

What's a readathon?

A readathon is a special event hosted by someone within the book community. For our purposes, it's hosted by the Creating & Co book club group. During the time period of the readathon, we read books according to different challenges and do other fun stuff like reading sprints and photo challenges.


A reading sprint is when one of the cohosts post in the facebook group to read for a certain amount of time. Everyone that can reads during that time and then reports back with how much they read. It's a lot of fun and a good way to meet your reading goals. 


There are five reading challenges in this one and they are just there to make it kind of interesting. Here they are:

  1. Been on your shelf the longest
  2. Smallest book on your shelf
  3. Most colorful cover
  4. Has Orange on the cover
  5. Most anticipated read

See what I mean? These are pretty open ended so you should be able to find something! You can read one book for multiple challenges if you want, but you'll get the most books read if you read 5, obviously.


For the photo challenges, we want you to get as creative as possible. For this readathon, we're only doing four photo challenges and you can complete them in whatever order you want. Just post them to the facebook group when you take them and show them off on social media! If you do share on social media, use the #cctbrthrowdown so we can all search it and find your photos!

Here's the challenges:

  1. TBR Stack
  2. Shelfie (a picture of your shelf)
  3. Planner Layout (preferably using some of the TBR Throwdown Stickers)
  4. Throwdown Winner (your fave book you read this week!)

Now, be sure to check out the TBR Throwdown items so you can pick them up and be ready to go! In the past, we've had custom bookmarks for each readathon. We will for this one as well, but it totally slipped my mind to order them until too late so I'll list those after they come in. 

PLUS this readathon features our first custom washi! This washi is exclusive to our shop and you won't find it anywhere else! More than that, it's limited release so once they are gone, they are gone so go grab them! 


Absolutely not! The only thing you have to do to participate is be part of the facebook group, read at least one prompt and join in with the fun! Any and all money spent is 100% optional--us planner girls just like our bookish planner goodies :D

Overall, I am so excited for this event and I hope you are too! I can't wait to see you in the facebook group chatting about books! If you have any other questions, leave them as a comment and I will get back to you! 

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Hey April! You can use the same book for multiple categories!


We can’t use the same book for two different categories, correct? Ex. if your shortest book has orange on the cover, you need to pick another book for one of these categories? Thanks!

April Griffin

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