2021 Spring Reading Challenges

2021 Spring Reading Challenges

These items are all in the shop! Visit the 2021 Spring Reading Challenge section to pick them up!

Well, it's safe to say that 2021 is speeding by. It's already time to release our Spring 2021 Reading Challenges and I have to admit, I love this color palette so much more than the one I picked for last year and I hope you do too!

They will be in the shop on Friday at 12pm CST in our new release section. You'll also be able to find "spring 2021 challenges" in the navbar at the top of the website.

Officially, Spring starts on March 20th, but you can start your challenge earlier or later if you like. So with that in mind, let's get a countdown for March 20th! 

Before I start talking about the challenges, let me go ahead and share the challenge table. Feel free to right click and save this and print it for yourself.

As always our reading challenges are completely free to participate in...so just join the group and join in or you can go all out and join in the fun with the stickers and planner accessories!

As you can see, this year we've decided to do a group read for our reading challenges, so we'll be voting on that in the Creating & Co Book Club starting next week! Make sure you join in so you can help decide!

I will also be posting a thread in the group so you can ask about any prompts you might need some ideas for.

Now, let's chat about the challenge stickers!

As we always do, we'll have a few different sizes. Our most popular is shown below--it is a 4.75" x 6.75" dashboard+ book stickers

 In case this is your first challenge with us, here's how it works:

  • Each prompt on the challenge has a number that corresponds to it. Let's say for the first book you read, you pick the first prompt of a book with "leaves on cover". 
  • You can write in the title of the book you read in the challenge table
  • And then pick a book sticker that looks like the one that has the 1 on it in the empty shelf. Place that book sticker over the greyed out book labeled 1 on the shelf!
  • Repeat until you fill up your shelf!

We will also have a few other sizes:

  • A 7" x 9" version that you can use in most common planners--Erin Condren, Happy Planner, Yellow Paper House, Paper House Productions, etc.
  • A 3.25" x 6.5" size that is perfect for hobo weeks or personal size planners 
  • A "separated" version that gives you all of the elements of the dashboard on its own so you can design your own page in your plannero bullet journal. 

Each of our seasonal challenges will also have an enamel pin that matches. For this season, we did a little bunny reading that appears in the kit a few times. Unfortunately, due to the winter storms, we may have to release this pin in the shop later on because the tracking is showing them stuck in a spot not far from me. I don't want to release them before I've seen them in person, so if you'd like to collect all the 2021 enamel pins, be sure to watch social media for when we will release this pin. 

We will also be releasing a weekly kit that matches and I can't wait to use it, personally! Here's our standard/vertical kit version, though it will also come in our other sizes--horizontal, half kit, anti-kit, and our creative journaling kit. 

As I mentioned, it will be available in our journaling kit and the journaling kit is PERFECT for those that want to use the same theme across the month or don't want to use a bunch of decorative stickers but want to use bits and bobs. For this kit format, you can buy all six of the sheets shown below separately or together.

There will also be a little mini kit option for this one, which has some of our kit elements but they are about 1.0" wide instead of 1.5"

We will also be releasing a bunch of functional items. You'll find our familiar small sheets of reading functional items in this gorgeous spring color palette AND some new bigger sheets of some of the other items in the shop or pieces of the kits so you can really stretch this theme across an entire season if you'd like.


We like to release a washi tape for our seasonal challenges as well and this year, we've made a new design that we've never released yet! I'm excited for this one--it's spring-y with a blue accent but it's neutral enough that you can use it all year long!

Alright, I think that's it! Whew! This was a long one! Be sure you join the Creating & Co Book Club! We'll be celebrating the first week of the challenge by using items from this line and sharing in the group! Who knows, we may even have some giveaways ;)


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